Hello Parents,


It’s so hard to believe Spring is here!!   That leads me to let you know a few things:


First our Easter party is this week.  It will be Thursday, April 5th at 1:00 p.m.  Each of you should have received a letter with your checked item to send or bring to the party.  We will be playing a game and serving ice cream sundaes.    All students are free to leave with their parents as soon as the party ends!  Hope to see you there!!




Also, Thursday, April 5th ends our fifth six weeks of school.   That means only one six weeks left.  Just around the corner will be the STAAR Math and Reading Tests.  More information will come later regarding that.   Reports cards will go out April 13th.  

The SOPHOMORE class is having a fundraiser April 14th.   They are showing the movie Courageous on the football field.   Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and the whole family to enjoy this event.   Tickets are $5.00.  You can purchase them in the Intermediate office, or you can purchase them at the gate.   The concession stand will be open to enjoy snacks and drinks.   Show time is 7:30 p.m.    Please help support this group of students!   Much thanks is appreciated!


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