End of 1st Six Weeks!!

Hello 4th Grade Parents,

It’s been a great first six weeks of school!  It is hard to believe that today we are starting the second six weeks of school!   Today the other 4th grade teachers and myself started our new “Team” teaching schedule.   I really think it’s going to work very well.  I’m very excited about it!

There  are a couple of things I wanted you to be aware of coming up:

First on Thursday, October 11th report cards will go home, along with your child’s first six weeks papers.   Please make sure to sign the report card and the “papers” envelope and return it on Friday.

Also, be on the lookout for a calendar to schedule an upcoming conference for your son/daughter.   You can look at the times that will be given and sign up online! It should be up on my blog very soon.   Pretty neat, huh??  So be on the look out for the conference calendar.  

Finally, on Wednesday, October 17th is an early release day.  So make plans now for your son/daughter for that afternoon.

Also, please remember to have your son/daughter reading every night for 20 minutes, and studying their math facts and their Spelling words for the week.

I look forward to seeing each of you at our conference!   Until next time!!   Have a great week!

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